IDEIS Foundation
IDEIS Foundation is a platform that brings together academic studies, conferences, projects, academic journals and certificate programs, and supports knowledge and innovation. On our website, you can access comprehensive information about the projects we carry out, the conferences we organize and the training programs we offer, and access important resources that will guide you in the academic world. Are you ready to move forward with the power of knowledge?
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About us:
The Foundation for Identity Development and Empowerment in Interfaith Spaces (IDEIS) is a non-profit organization established in 2017, aiming to contribute to a peaceful society integrated with EU values. IDEIS strives to foster collective thinking to find solutions to the divides between individuals from various secular and religious backgrounds in the Netherlands. The foundation’s goals are to promote a peaceful society based on conscious identity and mutual respect among diverse faiths and identities. It particularly focuses on the religious experiences and practices of young people, as expressed through (secularized) religious traditions in the pluralistic society of the Netherlands.

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