Research Department
The Research Department has been established to conduct academic research and educational activities that are problem-based, solution-oriented, and multidisciplinary in nature, encompassing fields such as religious sciences, religious education, moral and value education, and educational sciences. These activities aim to keep abreast of current developments and provide insights into the future. In line with this, the department develops curricula, conducts quantitative and qualitative research, and participates in scientific activities, particularly addressing issues such as radicalization, discrimination, Islamophobia, hate speech, migration, and integration. The department also focuses on religious education, moral and value education, which are essential needs of Muslim communities. Additionally, it collaborates with institutions and organizations serving similar purposes.
Since its inception, the IDEIS Foundation has prioritized research activities and scientific events. To this end, it has participated in nearly 15 symposiums, congresses, and scientific events, presenting papers. The Research Department aims to continue increasing its participation in both research and scientific events.

The objectives of the Research Department are as follows:
By leveraging the experiences of the IDEIS Education and Research Institute and its membership in international and national organizations like REA, ISREV, and ENRECA, it aims to participate in congresses, symposiums, seminars, workshops, and training sessions, and to produce publications.
To conduct quantitative and qualitative research primarily on topics such as radicalization, discrimination, Islamophobia, hate speech, migration, and integration.
To develop educational programs in areas such as moral education, religious education, value education, and character education.
To monitor and participate in national and international congresses, symposiums, seminars, and workshops, considering the institute’s primary areas of focus, and to assist in the calendar scheduling of announcements and the application processes.
To develop strategies for preparing research-based presentations for scientific events.
To collaborate with universities in joint consultancy programs to facilitate postgraduate studies on priority research topics.
To organize workshops and training sessions on the integration and adaptation of immigrants, spiritual counseling and guidance for youth, adult education, and cultural center educational activities, involving stakeholders.
Research Activities
Islam and Values Education from Theory to Practice: The Dutch Perspective
This involves developing a scientifically qualified curriculum for religious education offered in cultural centers across the Netherlands and enhancing content through practice-based activities. The curriculum development process, which started in February 2024, considers the pluralistic and multicultural nature of Dutch society to identify needs and expectations and ensures compatibility with both formal and implicit educational programs. The curriculum development is expected to be completed by October 2024.
Scientific Events
Congress, Symposium en Workshops
Avest, I. ter & Ö. F. Gurlesin (2017). Levensbeschouwing in de ‘society of mind’ – radicale fanatiekeling of fanatiek radicaal? Workshop op studiedag Haagse Hogeschool. 17 november.
Atay, Ö., Van Dijk Monique, Avest Ina Ter, Wielzen Duncan, Opatmy Michal, Gürlesin Ömer Faruk, “Diversity in European Perspectives”, Religious Education Association (REA) Annual Meeting 2018 Proceedings Book, p.p. 623-651, Reston, USA,3-5 November 2018.
Alasag, A. Gürlesin, Ö. F., I. ter Avest, M. Akdag (2018). An exploration of religious identity development of Dutch-Turkish Muslims, contribution to the conference ‘British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference (SOCREL). July 10-12 10th
Alasag A., Gürlesin, Ö. F., Ina ter Avest, M. Akdag, (2018). Acculturation and the Dialogical formation of young muslim identity: development of an intervention based on Dialogical Self Theory (DST), and its implementation. Presentation 10th DST conference, Braga, June.
Alasag A., Gürlesin, Ö. F., Ina ter Avest, M. Akdag, ISREV, (2018). ‘Wise men’s chess’, a serious play to stimulate religious development of Muslim youngsters, contribution to the ‘International Seminar on Religious Education and Values Session XXI’, Nurnberg, July 29th – August 3rd.
Gürlesin, Ö. F. (2019). Transformation of Friday sermons in an era of nationalism: functionalization of religion, now and in a challenged future. Contribution to the ENRECA conference, Facing the Unknown Future: Religion and Education on the Move. Utrecht University, 8th – 10th April.
Alasag A., Ter Avest, I., Gürlesin, Ö. F. (2019). Prevention of Radicalization of Muslim youngsters; an inventory of emotional commitments to the Dutch plural society. Seeking the Middle Path (Al-Wasaṭiyya): Articulations of Moderate Islam. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 19th of June.
Alasag A., Gürlesin, Ö. F., Ter Avest, I., & Kurt, I. (2019). Dialogical formation of young muslim identity; Piloting an intervention based on dialogical self theory (DST). The ESITIS Conference, The Hope and Despair of Religions: Exploring the Nexus of Theory and Praxis. Sarajevo.
Alasag A., Avest, I. ter, Ö. F. Gürlesin, I. Kurt (2019). Normative Citizenship Education in Plural Societies; a dialogical approach to possible tensions between religious identity and citizenship. Conferentie Wurzburg, ‘Religion, Democracy and Citizenship’, October 10-12.
Alasag A., Gürlesin, Ö. F., Ter Avest, I., & Kurt, I. (2021). Zoektocht naar een Eigen Levensoriëntatie temidden van een Veelheid aan Interpretaties, Provocatieve pedagogiek en religieuze identiteitsontwikkeling, Een module + spel ‘MirrorMind’ voor jongeren van 13-16 jaar, Nederlands Godsdienstpedagogisch Genootschap/Netwerk Levo 21 e eeuw, 22 April.
Alasag A., Ter Avest, I. Gürlesin, Ö. F., Kurt, I., Prevention of Radicalisation: Development of a Flexible Society of Mind, A board game as a safe space for world view development in formal and informal education, 11th International Conference on the Dialogical Self 9-12 June 2021.
Alasag A., Ter Avest, I. Gürlesin, Ö. F., Kurt, I., (2021). Self (e)valuation: normative Islamic citiezenship education, IAIE conference in June 28-30, Israel.
Gürlesin, Ö. F., Radicalization and Deradicalization from the Perspective of Dialogical Self Theory; The Case of Dutch Turkish Muslims, The Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR), Prevention of Radicalisation through (Religious) Education, February 23-24, 2022, the Netherlands.
Alasag A., Ter Avest, I., Gürlesin, Ö. F., Kurt, I.,Onur, T., Children of Adam and Eve: overlapping circles in Islamic Religious Education. Contribution to the AGPAII conference, Mainstreaming diversity in public school movement, Association of Indonesian Islamic Religious Education Teachers (AGPAII), Padang, September 30-October 2, 2022.