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Department of Education

Our goals include:


  • To pioneer academic excellence by encouraging innovation and supporting social change.

  • To provide a transformative educational experience to meet the evolving needs of students and contribute to the production of knowledge.

  • To develop and deliver high-quality educational programs, focusing on priority areas of work to meet the needs of society, especially on issues such as radicalization, discrimination, social cohesion, the art of living together and values.

  • To support academic research and publication activities, and to benefit society by following the latest scientific developments in this field.

  • Continuously review and update educational programs to promote the continuous development of students and faculty.

  • To carry out social interaction projects to increase educational opportunities and access to information for various segments of society.

  • To increase quality and achieve effective results by continuously evaluating our education and research activities.

Our Education Department has embraced the corporate IDEIS vision of becoming a leading center of excellence in the fields of education, research, and social engagement. At the heart of our mission lies the empowerment of individuals and the opening of a better future for everyone through quality education, cutting-edge research, and meaningful societal partnerships.

In line with our corporate vision, we aim to be a beacon of academic excellence that promotes innovation and positive social change. Our mission is to provide a transformative educational experience that not only meets the evolving needs of students but also contributes to the advancement of knowledge and addresses urgent societal challenges.

Key Points for Goals

Academic Excellence:

We are committed to providing high-quality education with innovative teaching methods; we ensure that our students are well-prepared for the dynamic demands in their respective fields.

Research and Innovation:

We promote a culture of research and innovation, supporting interdisciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge projects that contribute to the progress of our faculty and students in various fields.

Diversity and Inclusion:

Diversity, equality, and inclusion are integral to our department; we provide an inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals.

Community Engagement:

We actively engage with local and global communities, reinforcing our role as responsible global citizens through partnership programs and initiatives addressing societal issues.


Environmental responsibility is crucial to us; while promoting sustainable practices within the institution, we are committed to raising awareness on environmental issues.

Student Success:

Focusing on holistic development, we prepare students for lifelong learning and responsible citizenship, ensuring their success beyond the classroom.

Events, Workshops en Seminars

These activities, panels, and seminars can provide valuable opportunities for professional development, knowledge sharing, and collaboration in the field of education. Throughout the academic year, the department can organize these events to enrich the educational experience for students, educators, and participants.

Special Education Forums:

  • “Inclusieve Onderwijsstrategieën voor Diverse Leerlingen”

  • “Begrip en Aanpak van Leerproblemen”

  • “Interventies voor Autismespectrumstoornis”

Education Leadership Seminars:

  • “Leiderschap in het Onderwijs: Uitdagingen en Kansen”

  • “Ontwikkeling van Transformative Schoolleiders”

  • “Advocacy Strategieën in Onderwijsbeleid”

Education Technology Conferences:

  • “EdTech Innovaties voor Moderne Klaslokalen”

  • “Digitale Burgerschap en Online Veiligheid”

  • “Best Practices in Blended Learning”

Environmental Education Initiatives:

  • “Duurzaamheid op Scholen Bevorderen”

  • “Educatie en Actie tegen Klimaatverandering”

  • “Buiten- en Milieuleerprogramma’s”

Professional Development Workshops:

  • “Effectieve Klasmanagementstrategieën”

  • “Integratie van Technologie in het Onderwijs”

  • “Ontwikkeling van Inclusieve Leeromgevingen”

Research Symposiums:

  • “Huidige Trends in Onderwijsonderzoek”

  • “Innovaties in Onderwijsevaluatie”

  • “Ethiekbeoordelingen in Onderwijsonderzoek”

Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Panels:

  • “Ontwikkeling van Culturele Competenties in het Onderwijs”

  • “Vieren van Diversiteit in de Klas”

  • “Ontwerp van Inclusief Curriculum”

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Workshops:

  • “Integratie van SEL in het Curriculum”

  • “Opbouwen van Veerkracht bij Studenten”

  • “Ondersteuning van Geestelijke Gezondheid in Onderwijsomgevingen”

Parent-Teacher Interaction Panels:

  • “Sterke Thuis-School Partnerschappen Opbouwen”

  • “Ondersteuning van de Academische Reis van Uw Kind”

  • “Het Belang van Ouderbetrokkenheid Begrijpen”

Language and Literacy Workshops:

  • “Bevordering van Geletterdheid in de Vroege Kindertijd”

  • “Engels Onderwijzen als Tweede Taal”

  • “Creatieve Schrijfonderwijsbenaderingen”

Career Development Seminars:

  • “Begeleiding van Loopbanen in het Onderwijs”

  • “Voorbereiding op Lerarencertificeringsexamens”

  • “Banenzoekstrategieën voor Onderwijsprofessionals”

Educational Assessment and Evaluation Seminars:

  • “Strategieën voor het Meten van Studentenontwikkeling”

  • “Besluitvorming op Basis van Gegevens in het Onderwijs”

  • “Evaluatie van Docenteffectiviteit”

Academic Support Services

Within Academic Support Services, experienced faculty members aim to enhance the learning experiences of undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students, assist in academic research and project work, and provide personal mentoring. This academic support, aimed at strengthening students’ innovative insights and academic performances, includes assistance with academic research and projects.


Kitle ve Okutman

Upcoming Certificate Programs:

  • Education and Development Certificate (for trainers and teachers)

  • Youth Development Certificate

  • Conflict Mediation Certificate

  • Family-Centered Education Certificate

  • Professional Integration Certificate

  • Language Processing and Teaching Certificate

  • Article Writing and Publishing Certificate

  • Research Techniques and Methods Certificate

  • Values Education Certificate

  • Citizenship Education Certificate

  • Prevention of Radicalization Certificate

  • Young Academics and Intellectual Journey Certificate



Our Foundation

Board of Trustees








Certificate Programs



Post Address: Kruidenlaan 36, 5331 DG, Kerkdriel

Tel: +31 658 886 141


KvK nr: 81409788


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