European societies today are shaped by multicultural and multireligious structures. Minority cultures and beliefs influence this mosaic just as much as dominant cultures and faiths. In this context, the European Union supports youth initiatives, particularly those aimed at young people from minority groups. One such support activity is promoting religious literacy among youth. Understanding the basic principles of world religions is crucial for the functioning of democracy in our increasingly pluralistic world.

At the beginning of 2024, a project titled "Religious Literacy" was initiated under the leadership of the Udruga Prism Foundation in Croatia, as part of youth work efforts. This project is being carried out with the participation of Croatia, Estonia, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands. A preparatory meeting was held from September 6-9, 2024, on Veli Iz Island in Croatia, during which the planning and division of tasks for the training program scheduled for October 4-12, 2024, also on Veli Iz, were established.
The planned training aims to enhance the religious literacy of youth workers and improve the quality of youth work among partner organizations. It seeks to promote the use of informal tools and methods to encourage religious literacy and interfaith dialogue. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for partner organizations to share their experiences in fostering religious pluralism among young people. Participants in the program in October on Veli Iz will gain foundational knowledge about the core beliefs, doctrines, and contemporary practices of major world religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, while also developing skills in interfaith dialogue.

** Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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