Consortiums and Partnerships

Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations
As a member of the Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR), IDEIS actively collaborates in the fight against radicalism and extremism, fostering dialogue and promoting better understanding through various initiatives such as conferences, webinars, websites, and other engagement activities.
IDEIS maintains contacts with organizations at national and international level. IDEIS is a member of associations, foundations and organizations such as REA, ISREV and ENRECA, which are representative at national and international level in the fields of religious education, religious education, moral and values education.

REA: Religious Education Association
The REA was founded in 1903 through the efforts of William Rainey Harper. “APRRE (Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education) was founded in 1970 by some members of the National Council of Churches. In 2003, REA and APRRE merged to form REA: APPRRE. Although today the association is more commonly known as “REA”, it should be noted that it is actually a synthesis of REA: APPRRE. Its mission is to initiate opportunities to explore and advance interrelated research, teaching and leadership practices in diverse faith communities, academic institutions and pluralistic societies. The Association contributes to the development of research and practical approaches to religious education, particularly through the academic periodical Religious Education and the scholarly monograph series Horizons in Religious Education.
For more information see :
ISREV: International Seminar on Religious Education and Values
ISREV is an association of more than 290 religious education scholars from approximately 34 countries. Scholars from various religious traditions come together every two years to share original work in the field of religious education, to follow developments in the field of education and to develop new horizons for religious education practices. Since 1998, selected papers from each session have been published in book form by ISREV.
For more information see:

ENRECA: European Network or Religious Education through Contextual Approaches
ENRECA was established in 1999 as a forum for mutual collaboration and reflection on the changing role of religious education in Europe. It brings together academics from the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Wales. Scholars conduct empirical and theoretical research on religion and education in relation to intercultural issues.
FECC (Federation of Educational and Cultural Centers) - 30 July 2023. Address: Sara Burgerhartstraat 3, 1055 KV Amsterdam. (
(IDP) Intercultural Dialogue Platform vzw. Address: Rue Montoyer 31 /2 Brussels, Belgium. (
Aseda - Associação de Educação Académica. Address: AVENIDA da República 6, 1 Esq. 1050-191 LISBOA. (
Stichting Openhaard. Address: Brabantseplein 2, 3074SX Rotterdam. (
Vereniging van Betrokken Ouders Rijnmond. Address: Taandersplein 1, 3027 CN Rotterdam. (
Stichting Challenges, Address: Taandersplen 1, 3027 CN Rotterdam. (
Stichting Sprint Schiedam, Address: Westvest 26, 3111BW Schiedam. (
Stichting Akyazili Nederland, Address: Diergaardesingel 58, 3014AD Rotterdam (
Udruga za poticanje razvoja ljudskih potencijala i kreativnosti – Prizma Hrvatske bratske zajednice. Address: 18, 23440, Gračac, Croatia
E-nes Consultant, Contact:
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